Sunday, 21 August 2016 14:30
We present to you: Special stage "Kipilovo"
Special Stage “Kipilovo” is the third special stage included in the program of the first racing day in the 36th rally Sliven. The special stage is well know among the pilots and the fans but it hasn’t been driven in this configuration since 2012. It is expected that this special stage will have the highest average speed in the event.
Published in
Архив 2016
Saturday, 20 August 2016 18:00
Three new entries for rally Sliven
The organisers of rally Sliven 2016 have received the entry forms of another three crews. Those are the crews of Scorpion rally team - Stoayan Mechkov/Dimitar Trifonov (Reno Clio Maxi Kit Car, RC3), Petko Ivanov/George Ivanov (Subaru Impreza, E1) and the tandem from Varna Dragomir Drumchev/Martina Petkova (Peugeot 206, RC3).
Published in
Архив 2016
Tuesday, 16 August 2016 23:08
We present to you: Special stage "Katchulka"
Special Stage "Kachulka" is the next one of the first day's program. The special stage is very challenging for the crews and their cars. It will be one of the keys special stages for the rally. The special stage includes part of the legendary stage "Stara reka", but in comparison with the classical stages it will be run downhill.
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Архив 2016
Tuesday, 16 August 2016 22:12
The winner in rally "Bulgaria" 2016 is coming to Sliven
The winner of the last edition of rally "Bulgaria" - Rashid Al Ketbi sent his entry form for rally "Sliven". The pilot from Dubai will be on the start behind the wheel of his own Ford Fiesta R5. On the right seat next to him again will be his German co-driver Karina Hepperle.
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Архив 2016
Saturday, 13 August 2016 20:23
We present to you: Special stage "Gavrailovo"
The 36th rally Sliven is approaching and the interest about the special stages is getting bigger. Therefore in the next days to the start of the event we will present you every single special stage included in the program. We will start with the second special stage, which is actually the first "real" special stage - "Gavrilovo".
Published in
Архив 2016
Saturday, 13 August 2016 18:57
Напусна ни Тодор Недялков
Материал на RallyXpress
Тази нощ, след кратко боледуване от колоната на автомобилните състезатели на България излезе още един от пилотите ни – сливналията Тодор Недялков. Преди два дни, наричаният заради мустаците и непримиримия дух Сливенския войвода Тошко е докаран болница д-р Иван Селимински с инсулт, с който обаче 69-годишният състезател не е успял да пребори.
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Архив 2016
Thursday, 11 August 2016 18:29
Stanislav Vladimirov will be on start in Sliven
The crew of InnoMotion Racing Stanislav Vladimirov and Chavdar Subev will be on the start of 36-th Rally "Sliven", fourth round of Bulgarian rally championship. Vladimirov and Subev who are the nice surprise in Bulgarian championship after first three rounds, will rely again on one of the oldest cars in the list - Opel Astra GSi in RC3 class.
Published in
Архив 2016
Sunday, 07 August 2016 18:34
Vittorio Popov will take part in rally Sliven 2016
Vitorio Popov will take part in rally Sliven 2016. The youngest participant in national rally championship this year, sent his entry form and will be on the start at his home race. The pilot of ASC "Scorpion" will have as a co-driver his father- dr. Hristo Popov, as in the previous rallies of the Bulgarian championship.
Published in
Архив 2016
Tuesday, 02 August 2016 18:52
Motorsport T-N will be on the start of rally Sliven 2016 with two crews
Motorsport T-N will be on the start of rally Sliven 2016 with two crews. The team from Dobrich already sent the entry forms, where can be found the names of Nikolay Kortov/Nasko Tsonev (Citroen C2, RC4) and Mihail Simeonov/Vasil Georgiev (Citroen C2, RC4).
Published in
Архив 2016
Tuesday, 26 July 2016 21:59
Искаш да бъдеш част от легендата - стани част от екипът!
Ако си фен на високите скорости и искаш да помогнеш на любимото си състезание да бъде още по-добро - стани част от екипа, който организира 36-тото рали "Сливен"! Ще можеш да се докоснеш до най-важните елементи при организацията на едно от най-трудните състезания в Европа и да дадеш своя принос за удоволствието, което ще изживеят хилядите фенове по скоростните отсечки.
Можеш да бъдеш стюард по сигурността или да помагаш в щаба на ралито - при всички положения твоята помощ ще е от ключово значение!
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Published in
Архив 2016